Athlete Peeing in the Olympic?
1 comments Posted by admin at 6:28 PM
Here's another funny olympic picture. The athlete seemed to pe3 in the picture. hehehhe..
This one is not taken in the recent Beijing Olympics 2008. But am sure will post funny pictures taken during this year's olympics.
August 07, 2008

Funny Olympic pictures of gymnasts.
I hope to find more funny olympic pictures this 2008 Beijing Olympics.
March 18, 2008

What is he pointing at??!!!

Eewww!! That must have tasted really bad!

Oops! Below the Belt. That's my #@%#%*!

Bad Luck! They run and came tumbling down!

Lol.. what's up with the hair!

Not below the belt, inside the undies..

Now Kiss my %#*#%!

Call of Nature!
No One's watching dear dogie!

Oops you forgot your zip!